BrownRam X Treat
Macnut will be the father of all the 2016 lambs.
Macnut has beautiful dark brown/black wool, which is soft
and easy to spin. He has a nice friendly
temperament and is easy to handle.
Blazing Star
Mother: Socks
Blazing Star is a good mother and has nice
white wool. Her
lambs grow quickly and when full grown are large and give large fleeces
of good quality wool. Blazing Star has had lambs 3 times before.
Blazing Star had 1, ewe lamb on May 10th 2016. She
is a very big and healthy lamb. |
Star's Lamb:Star Light
Name: Star Light
Color/Pattern: Blazed,
tri color.
She is very large and has nice wool.
@ Sunbonnet Farm
Mother: Blazing
Cocoa is probably our biggest ewe. She has large fleece of
good wool and she is a very healthy ewe.
Cocoa had twin ewe lambs on May1st 2016. Both
lambs are healthy and good sized. These are her first lambs and she is
a very good mother. |
Cocoa's 1st Born Ewe Lamb
Color/Pattern: Brown
& white, dark badger face.
to Cara
She is a very nice young ewe. At 10 weeks old she
has lighted a lot from these photos. |
Cocoa's 2nd Born Ewe
Lamb: Latte
Name: Latte
Shaded Gray
Latte has very soft wool.
Staying @ Sunbonnet Farm |
Mother: Sky II
Easter is a big ewe and has nice, big fleeces
of silver gray wool. Easter is a very good mother and gives a lot of
milk, so her lambs grow very fast. Easter has now had 3 sets of
twins in 3 lambings.
Easter had large, twins on May 7th 2016. Both are black
and tans, a ewe and a ram. Easter's twins are some of the largest of
the 2016 lambs. |
Easter's Ewe
Color/Pattern: Black
and tan
to Jeanne & Mike
She is a beautiful young ewe. She will probably look much
like her mother when she is full grown.
Easter's Ram
Lamb: Fudge
Name: Fudge
Color/Pattern: Black
and tan
He has nice black wool and a very clam temperament.
Staying @ Sunbonnet Farm
Mother: Easter
Freesia has very soft, fine, wool, which makes
lovely yarn. She is a easy keeper and a good mother.
Freesia had twins on May 4th 2016. A ewe and a ram, both
are black and tans with white spots. Both lambs should have very nice
wool. This was her 2nd time to have lambs. |
Freesia's Ram Lamb
Color/Pattern: Black
tri with large white spots.
Sold to
Elizabeth & Malani
Freesia's ram lamb has very soft wool.
Freesia's Ewe Lamb
Color/Pattern: Black
tri with small white markings on her sides.

Sold to Elizabeth & Malani
She is very Clun looking in build and wool type. Her wool
is very soft. |
Mother: Fluff
Forest is
friendly and hardy. She has very soft, gray wool which is easy to spin.
Forest has had lambs twice before this year and she is a very good
Forest had 1, black and tan, ewe lamb on May 12th
2016. Forest's lamb is very large and strong.
Forest Ewe Lamb: Evergreen
Name: Evergreen
Color/Pattern: Black
and tan, with a white spot on her head and white tail.
Evergreen is Forest's first not spotted lamb.
She has very dark wool.
@ Sunbonnet Farm |
BrownRam x
Tree is friendly and has nice, soft wool. This is
Tree's first lamb.
In this picture Tree had just been sheared.
Tree had 1, large, ram lamb on May 2nd 2016.
far he is the biggest lamb this year. |
Tree's Ram Lamb: Ash
Name: Ash ( named for the
Ash tree)
Color/Pattern: Black
& tan
Sold to Cara
Ash has very soft wool, which should be very nice for
spinning. He is a very nicely built lamb.
Chocolate Chip
Chocolate Chip has shiny, very, white wool and it is
easy to
She has
a nice calm temperament and is a very good mother. She enjoys sleeping
with her lambs. Chocolate Chip's lambs have very, soft wool.
Chocolate had white, twins on May 1st 2016.
Both lambs are good sized and have very white wool.
Chocolate Chip's Ewe Lamb
Name: Pending
Color/Pattern: True white
with brown spots
Staying @ Sunbonnet Farm
Chocolate Chip's Ram Lamb

Color/Pattern: True white
with black eye, ear and nose spots.
Sold to Elizabeth
& Malani
He is one of the friendliest lambs this year. He has very
nice wool. |
Vanilla Chip
Chip X Ram14
She has very nice wool.
Vanilla Chip had twin rams on May 4th 2016. Both
lambs are big
and healthy. One is white and the other is very usually marked. These
are her first lambs, she is a very good mother and she has lots of
milk. |
White Chip's 1st Born Ram Lamb
Color/Pattern: Badger
faced, white and brown.
Sold to Cara
He is a very sweet and clam lamb. |
White Chip's 2nd Born Ram Lamb
Name: Dodge 
Color/Pattern: True white
with brown ears, eye and nose spots. Brown leg markings.
Sold to Benji
He has very soft, wool, which will be good for spinning.
He is a very nicely built ram lamb, fat and healthy.
Mother: Sky
Fen is a easy keeper and very friendly. She has very
large fleeces of white
wool. Fen is a good mother and her lambs grow quickly.
Fen had twins on May 9th 2016. One ewe and 1 ram. Fen had
her lambs early in the morning when no one was around. All of her lambs
have been born without any help. This was her 3rd time to have lambs. |
Fen's Ewe Lamb: New Meadows
Name: New Meadows
Color/Pattern: True white
with dark face and legs. White strips on all of her legs.
She is a very cute lamb with soft white wool.
Staying @ Sunbonnet Farm
Fen's Ram Lamb: Glen
Name: Glen
Color/Pattern: Black and
tan with white hind foot, tail and spot on head.
Sold to Jeanne
& Mike
Glen is a very nice young ram. He will probably
stay black or his wool will turn dark brown when he is older.
X Ram14
May had the biggest lamb fleece of the 2014 ewe lambs. She is very
friendly, a easy keeper and she has nice wool.
May had 1, ewe lamb on May 11th 2016. The lamb is big and
healthy. This is her first lamb. |
May's Lamb: Spring
Name: Spring 
Color/Pattern: Black with white hind feet, tail and spot
on head.
Spring is a very cute lamb. Her wool is soft and beginning
to turn brown at 9 weeks old.
@ Sunbonnet Farm |